The Chesapeake Bay Chapter of the HET Club sponsors or supports numerous events. This page features a brief  summary of events with a link to a separate, more expansive page of photos and text for each event. Generally, the cars are the stars but the photos may capture people and places too. More detailed stories are likely to appear in The Hudson.Aire.

Doc's Meet and the HET Eastern National Meet

Hudson Day!

Hudson Day usually happens on the second Saturday in June. It is hosted by the Taneytown History Museum, the site of the former Koons Hudson dealership in Taneytown, Maryland. Click here for photos from several Hudson Days.

On May 18, 2024, the Chesapeake Bay and the Pa. Dutch chapters of HET visited these two outstanding museums in Gettysburg and York Springs, Pa.

Click here for the story excerpted from our award winning newsletter The Hudson.Aire.

Beyond the Battle Museum and the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing

Doc's Meet usually happens during May in Winchester, Virginia. It is hosted by Tri-State Mountain Roads in coordination with the CBC. Doc's Meet has, sometimes, been combined with the HET Eastern National Meet.

Click here for photos.

The Orphan Car Tour

The most recent Orphan Car Tour for discontinued makes met in Burkettsville, Maryland and was coordinated by CBC treasurer Jon Battle. That's Jon's '37 Terraplane at left. Click here for more photos.